From left to right: Front: Muge and Irene. Back: Ben, Antonis, Simon, and Ernesto...sometime after the Oscars ceremony 2014

The Queen's Arms. Spring 2014. From left to right: Mario, Muge, Antonis, Simon, Irene, and Ernesto

The Queen's Arms. Spring 2014. From left to right: Simon, Muge, Ben, Armando, Antonis, Ernesto, Irene, and Mario

Christmas dinner Los Navarros December 2013. From left to right: Linda, Antonis, Diane, Francesco, Ernesto, Armando, Muge, and Ben

Frayli's farewell Eastside Bar Summer 2013. From left to right: Armando, Antonis, and Frayli
Irene's farewell drinks, 2014. From left to right: Antonios, Ernesto, Muge, Mario, Will, Irene, Ben

Ice-cream on a rare sunny day, 2015. Back row, left to right: Asmita, Muge, Hairuo, Simon, Darek, Rebecca. Front row, left to right: Ernesto, Antonios, Will, Ben.

Ernesto's birthday, 2015. Left to right: Will, Darek Ernesto, Simon, Muge, Hairuo.

Christmas dinner 2015. From left to right: Ben, Ernesto, Antonios, Tyler, Daniel, Kalpi, Zaida, Armando, Darek, Andrea, Muge, Will, Alistair, Carol, Marco.

Zaida's birthday, 2016. From left to right: Darek, Alisatir, Antonios, Will, Ernesto, Sophie, Zaida, Muge.

Alistair & Tyler pass their ESA and Darek passes his LSR. From left to right: Ernesto, Alistair, Daniel, Darek, Tyler.

The team celebrate the latest publication. From left to right: Darek, Marco, Muge, Will, Sophie, Ernesto, Zaida, Ben, Antonios, Daniel, Alistair, Tyler.

The team, summer 2016. From left to right: Rebecca, Tabitha, Ben, Ernesto, Alistair, Daniel, Antonios, Tyler, Armando, Will and Darek.

Crossing the Mississippi River - back home from the Gordon Research Conference in Texas, February 2017

Celebration after Antonis' viva (25 August 2017). Darek, Armando, Mark Morgan (external examiner) and Antonis)