MRes Projects:
Please click the titles for more information.
Biomechanics of breast cancer
Biomechanics of Hepatic Stellate Cells
Biomechanics of pancreatic cancer
Development of 3D scaffold for the analysis of tumour growth-induced stress
Elucidating the role of ROCK in the biomechanics of pancreatic tumour cells
Liquid biopsy for early detection of pancreatic cancer
Mechanical activation of deleted in liver cancer (DLC1) molecule in cancer cells
Modelling the dynamic complex of EMT in pancreatic cancer
PDAC pre-metastatic niche in liver
Protein unfolding a mechanical switch to control cell behaviour
Testing pancreatic cancer cell invasion using mesenteries
The effect of solid stresses in tumour growth
Example of an MRES Report HERE
Examples of previous peer-reviewed articles involving MRes students:
Enanga E - MRes in Cancer Bioinformatic - 2017/2018
Vella A, Enanga E. and del Rio Hernandez A. The emergence of solid stress as a potent biomechanical marker of tumor progression. Submitted
Ghose R - MRes in Cancer Research - 2017/2018
Ghose R, Ghose U, Cortes E, Rice A, LAchowski D, and del Rio Hernandez A. Q-Pi: A Novel tool for the quantification of invasion. Submitted
Julia MG - MRes in Biomedical Research - 2017/2018
Samandari M, Julia MG, Rice A, Chronopoulos A, and del Rio Hernandez A. Liquid Biopsies for management of pancreatic cancer. 2018 Translational Reseach 2018
Walker C, Mojares E - MRes in Bioengineering 2017/2018
Walker C, Mojares E, and del Rio Hernandez A. Role of Extracellular Matrix in development and cancer progression. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2018
Matellan C - MRes in Bioengineering 2016/2017
Matellan C, del Rio Hernandez A. Cost-effective rapid prototyping and assembly of poly(methyl methacrylate) microfluidic devices. Scientific Reports 2018
Cheung CH - MRes in Bioengineering 2016/2017
Rice AJ, Cortes E, Lachowski D, Cheung CH, Karim SA, Morton JP, del Río Hernández A. Matrix stiffness induces Epithelial-Mesenchymal transition and promotes chemoresistance in pancreatic cancer cells. Oncogenesis 2017
Pink D (co-first author) - MRes in Bioengineering 2015/2016
Lachowski D, Cortes E, Pink D, Chronopoulos A, Karim SA, Morton JP, del Río Hernández A. Substrate rigidity controls activation and durotaxis in pancreatic stellate cells. Scientific Reports 2017
Garcia R - MRes in Biomedical Research 2014-2015
Chronopoulos A, Robinson B, Sarper M, Cortes E, Auernheimer V, Lachowski D, Attwood S, García R, Ghassemi S, Fabry B & del Río Hernández A. ATRA mechanically reprograms pancreatic stellate cells to suppress matrix remodelling and inhibit cancer cell invasion. Nature Comms 2016